Wednesday 11 January 2012



Think Global Act Local –Our global vision adapted to each site.

Sharing expertise and experiences:
The way the Montparnasse 56 Group is organized allows our sites to maintain their independence while optimizing information sharing and the exchange of ideas. This also allows our sites to benefit from a platform of shared skills that is available throughout our company and to benefit from direct support from various areas of our business.

Personnel management:
Montparnasse 56 always looks for ways to include and motivate our employees.

Montparnasse 56 associates benefit from training throughout the year and are dedicated to increasing customer satisfaction at our sites.

We have a very low employee turnover rate and we are careful to promote loyalty within our teams. This stability is a major factor in our success.

Training and technology: 
Montparnasse 56 Group prides itself on being cutting edge on information and technology systems. We provide a rigourous training program for our associates to ensure we stay in front of the curve.

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